Monday, April 27, 2009


Before this class, I had heard of Twitter and had become a member. After I become a member, I never logged on again. Then we all opened new accounts in my EDM 310 class. Since then, I have logged on every few days and keep up with some old friends. I really enjoy it on a personal level, but do not think I could ever use Twitter in the classroom. I would have to see another teacher in action before I could consider it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Professional Blog


Critique of Podcasts

I have listened to several of the students' podcasts. First of all, I want to say that I really enjoy participating in the podcast recordings. It was a very neat experience that I will also use in my classroom.

I think the podcasts were great, but I would change some things. I think I would have them recorded without an audience. I know I was very nervous talking (while being recorded) in front of my classmates. I could hear some background noise.

I think, including my podcast, some sounded like they were being read instead of talked about. I know that I did read at the beginning of my podcast because I wanted the audience to get a good understanding of my topic (ACCESS). It is confusing if you have never heard of it, but I think in retrospect I would have not read it. I would have just talked.

Another EDM 310 Student's Blog Observation

I have looked at several other students' blogs. I think the blogs are a positive thing in the classroom. I think if the teacher, like Mr. Sullivan, keeps his/her blog updated and uses it for an informational/educational purposes, it can be very beneficial.

In my EDM 310 class this Spring, I have learned a lot through the blogs. Students are able to keep and be kept updated on what is going on in the classroom. If they are questioning their blog, all they have to do is look at the other students.

If a student misses class (like I have this semester), he/she can look at the Instructor's blog to keep up with what they missed. The syllabus, handouts, assignments, instructional videos, and all other important stuff is linked to on the Instructor's Blog. They can re-print, re-read, or re-watch any they may loose or forget.

I will certainly use blogs in my classroom. I am going to teach high school math, and will always post videos or links to help my students who may be struggling or just want extra work to help them understand the material.

The Stanford Challenge: Seeking Solutions Podcast

I really enjoyed listening to what Carol Dweck had to say about "Growth" vs. "Fixed" minds. I agree with her. The difference between the two is one (growth) is where people who are curious to continue learning and never stop (they think intelligence in a lifelong process), and the other (fixed) is where people want to look intelligent, but never take the time to continue to learn.

Carol said that she did a study on this and neither group knew about the other. She said that the "growth" group were actually more intelligent than the "fixed" group. I think this is obvious. One who continues to learn will always surpass, at some point, one who thinks he/she knows it all.

I will use this strategy when I am a teacher. I will explain to my students that the brain has a larger memory than any computer. It is important that we continue to let our brains grow and expand.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

I really enjoyed Randy's lecture. His use of "head fakes" were a very useful teaching method. I will try to remember those when I start teaching. From this lecture, I learned to make learning fun and the students will learn without knowing that they are actually learning.

Randy really talked about believing in people and never giving up on them, because eventually they will come around and do what is right. He also talked about criticism. He said when no one offers criticism that we should be concerned. He used an example of when he was playing football, the coach was really hard on him. He said it was because the coach cared and he knew that Randy could do better. When they stop, it means they no longer care for you.

He said child hood dreams are very important and achieving them is what his "head fake" is all about. Randy only has 2-3 months to live and his going over his childhood dreams in this lecture and has accomplished almost all of them. The ones that he did not accomplish, he uses for lessons learned. I really enjoyed listening to Randy.